Rosanna Holiday House

Via Torre 8 - Conca dei Marini - Italy


The Rosanna Holiday House is a newly renovated rural residence and has 2 terraces where you can relax pleasantly, furnished with sofas and sun loungers. The main services and restaurants are easily accessible. It is an enchanting structure located in the center of Conca dei Marini, a pearl set in the Amalfi Coast. The Rosanna Holiday House enjoys a breathtaking view: overlooking the bay in the shape of a basin where the gaze is lost between the promontory topped by the famous Saracen tower of the Capo di Conca and the islands of “Li Galli” and “Capri”. Ideal location to spend a period in complete relaxation both for an entire family and for a group of friends who intend to free themselves from city stress as well as for a suggestive romantic break.

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+39 3383382963


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to check availability and book later: is owned by the Association of Free Economic Operators (A.L.O.E.) of Conca dei Marini, Via Sant'Antonio 3 - 84010 - CF: 95115330656