Amalfi Coast Dream Tours

NCC - Wine Tour - Cooking Class

Via Maestra dei Villaggi, 90, 84011 Amalfi - Italia


Amalfi Coast Dream Tours is a small family business that boasts extensive experience in the tourism sector. After having studied several languages at the Technical Institute for Tourism and after having deepened his studies thanks to various stay-studies, Gianni, the owner of this small company, has worked for years in the tourism sector, boasting an excellent command of the language English and years of knowledge of the area. Gianni, born and raised in Amalfi, with a sunny and outgoing character, is passionate about this job, loves being in contact with people, loves his city and enjoys telling everything there is to know about the area.

We specialize in organizing private tours and transfers to and from airports, railway stations and ports of Naples, Rome and Salerno to all destinations on the Amalfi Coast. We guarantee a high quality service in our luxury Mercedes vehicles equipped with air conditioning, wifi on board.

Flexibility, friendliness, reliability, punctuality and competence are our strengths.

If you do not want to stress yourself while driving, if you want to feel at ease and spend a day full of fun and relaxation, do not hesitate to contact us!



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+39 3482334080 (call now)

+39 3482334080 (whatsapp) is owned by the Association of Free Economic Operators (A.L.O.E.) of Conca dei Marini, Via Sant'Antonio 3 - 84010 - CF: 95115330656